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Ciudad Obregón Campus

General information
We invite you to schedule your visit to our university. Find us at:
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📞  (81)83582000 Ext. Admissions 4151 - 4153 Ext. Scholarships 4152

California 2100, Col. Obregon Norte, C.P. 85010, Ciudad Obregón Sonora.

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About our Campus
Tecnológico de Monterrey's history
Message from the Director

Tec de Monterrey is a private, non-profit, independent university, independent of political and religious partisanship. The work of Tec de Monterrey and all its campuses is supported by civil associations, made up of a large group of outstanding leaders from all over the country committed to the quality of higher education.

Each year, the board members of these civil associations meet to establish the goals that should guide the major decisions aimed at ensuring that the Tecnológico de Monterrey fulfills its objective of becoming the driving force behind the development of the communities and the country.

Tec de Monterrey relies on the support of the national community, which participates in the raffles that the institution itself organizes to expand the scholarship program and investment in infrastructure.

For its operation as an educational institution, Tec de Monterrey enjoys the status of University Free School.

In the following LINK you can find some main historical events that distinguish our institution through these 75 YEARS.

Director General Ciudad Obregón Tecnológico de Monterrey

I am very pleased to welcome you to this new semester August-December 2018, a new stage that will be full of learning.

Our commitment is to give you all the tools so that every day you develop all your skills and acquire new ones. I invite you to participate in all the projects of our university, to get involved in LiFE activities such as: artistic, athletic and leadership. Discover talents that you don't even know are part of you... make the most of every learning space, every moment of interaction with your professors and classmates.

Live and transcend in every activity and project to improve our society.

We are in a stage of transformation at Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2020 is already here and 2030 is yet to come. The decisions you make today will reflect your place in tomorrow.

Best of success!

Ing. Roberto Soto Soto
General Director
Tecnológico de Monterrey en Ciudad Obregón



Academic Offer
Tec Community