Semesters i with a Humanistic Outlook 2016

The state of Chiapas has diverse needs associated with the different sectors that require proposals to solve their main problems. Their design should take into consideration aspects such as environmental protection, finance and social issues. One place in particular is the Nuevo Paraíso Community in the municipality of La Concordia, Chiapas, three hours away from the capital Tuxtla Gutiérrez. The main activities in Nuevo Paraíso are the production and marketing of organic coffee, adventure ecotourism, coffee tasting, the production of coffee plants, and the operation of a small restaurant that serves local food. This learning experience is developed with the presence of Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Chiapas, represented by students who want to generate improvement proposals for the community, considering the needs, opportunities and available resources to increase revenues, create jobs, innovate in products and services, following up on customers with a value proposal that is attractive to both foreign and local markets. The education partner belonging to the Puerta a la Montaña (PAM) community participates as an active partner with decision-making powers.
Students were set the following challenges:
- Create an experimental design of the Alternative Tourism route.
- Carry out a simulation of the Alternative Tourism route.
- Diagnose strengths in collaboration with the Partner, Puerta a la Montaña.
The outcomes of the intervention were:
- Prototype of the Alternative Tourism route design.
- Simulation to make the rationale of the cooperative and microenterprise visible.
- Projection and identification of five strengths to detect areas of opportunity after collaborating with the education partner.
- Greater knowledge of the resources available, individual and shared use of the area by hectares of land.
- Visualization and identification of places, symbols and cultural wealth.
Sustainable Development Goal(s)
The SDGs linked to the challenge are:
- 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
- 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
- 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Education partner organization
The bridge between the actors of the Humanistic Outlook experience and society was:
Puerta a la Montaña (PAM)
The sector of the population impacted was:
Nuevo Paraíso community, La Concordia municipality, Chiapas.
Families in Puerta a la Montaña
Learn more
The following images (PDF file) show some examples of the activities that students carried out in conjunction with the educational partner organization and the inhabitants of the different communities.
PDF file with images
A slowU initiative. Further details can be found here.

Connect Mexico’s master artisans with people interested in enjoying a unique learning experience.
Outcomes of the intervention
The students developed a methodology to help the artisans generate an income by offering workshops to people interested in learning about their skills.