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Undergraduate Policies and Regulations

Undergraduate Policies and Regulations

Since its foundation, Tecnológico de Monterrey has defined the regulations that guide its students, regarding the expected academic standards and conduct both inside and outside the classroom.

In this way, the Institution, committed to academic quality, disseminates its governing regulations among students and the community, within the framework of the principles and values described in the Mission.

Tuition/A Bolsa de Estudos
Vida Estudiantil
Graduation Requirements

In order to obtain an undergraduate degree at Tecnológico de Monterrey, students are required to:

1. Have fulfilled, in accordance with the effective regulations, the preliminary academic requirements of the corresponding curriculum, by means of the relevant placement exams or remedial courses.

2. Have completed all the courses in the relevant curriculum either by passing all of them at Tecnológico de Monterrey, or by obtaining revalidation or equivalency agreements, in conformity with the corresponding regulations, for some of the courses with studies completed at other institutions and passing the remaining courses at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

3. Have completed and passed at Tecnológico de Monterrey at least 50% of the courses that comprise the curriculum. This rule can be flexible for programs that, through an agreement, are created in conjunction with other universities.

4. Have completed their social service in compliance with the legal precepts in force and the corresponding social service regulations.

5. Have taken the General Undergraduate Exit Exam of the National Center for the Evaluation of Higher Education to evaluate the knowledge and skills acquired during their undergraduate program. This requirement applies only to students from the undergraduate programs for which these exams exist. The result of this exam will be recorded on the student’s transcript. Students from the undergraduate programs that do not have a CENEVAL exit exam must take the capstone exams designed for this purpose. This requirement applies only to students from the majors for which these exams exist.

6. Demonstrate a B2 level of proficiency in the English language according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) in one of the tests authorized by the Institution.

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