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Margarita Martínez - Movimiento ambientalista

Outliers - Margarita Martínez

One day, I came across a polluted stream. I posted about it on social networks and people started to join in, until it became an event with over 100 people and official sponsors. That’s how my movement started! 

Hi, my name is Margarita Martínez and I was recognized as one of the 10 global representatives in the Fight against Plastic Pollution.

My story began when I realized that I wanted to create an impact on the world and leave a mark on people, so I decided to study a bachelor’s degree in Sustainable Development Engineering.

Later on, there was one event that changed my life: the AIESEC volunteer program in Costa Rica. I lived in the country’s national parks for one winter, assisting with conservation and cleaning. This volunteering experience led me to become fully engaged in environmental topics and marked my destiny, since, on returning to Mexico, I decided to take action.

Later on, I put myself forward for and was selected by SAIDS for the World Environmental Summit for Students in Latin America at UNAM to represent Mexico and Tec de Monterrey. This experience helped me understand that there are other people in the world who are just as motivated and passionate as I am about protecting the environment; I wasn’t alone.

I went back to Monclova last summer and, since I had a month off, looked for something to keep me busy. This was when I came across an extremely polluted stream, saw children playing in it, and could only imagine the health hazards lurking there. Alarm bells went off for me and I posted about it on social networks.

I was surprised when several people asked me about the project and showed an interest in helping, turning it into an event with over 100 people and official sponsors. We collected tons of garbage, which resulted in the creation of my movement “Limpiemos nuestro país” (“Let’s Clean Our Country.”) At that time, we started implementing regular, important projects and cleanups.

I was in charge of several of them and provided support. We had to stop everything because of the pandemic. It was a hard blow because we had planned so many projects in different states and cities…everything came to a standstill. 

But I realized that you should not stop, but gradually reinvent yourself and evolve together with your environment, create with whatever is available. Maybe we couldn't clean, but we could carry out online workshops, because ultimately the goal is the same and my dream is still the same. 

Recently, the Spanish newspaper El País de España launched a special report on young people fighting against climate change and plastic pollution, and included my interview along with those of other young people from countries such as New Guinea, New Zealand, Colombia. At the same time, I won the “2020 Women’s Award” and, in this way, I discovered that I can change the world starting with my example, changing the lives of the people around me and changing my country.  

I am an Outlier because my story began at Tec and it end up changing the world termina cambiando el mundo.

"We must always move forward because the common good trumps any priority."

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