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Comité Impulsa del Tec de Monterrey

Our commitment

In 2012 we began an effort to make our Institution a more diverse and inclusive place, and we defined and made public our principle of equality and non-discrimination:

"At Tecnológico de Monterrey we promote and value diversity. We do not discriminate based on age, ethnic origin, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, social status, health status, religious beliefs, political ideology or disability."

Today we are proud of the meaningful progress that we have made. However, we are aware that we have important challenges ahead. We want to be an example of diversity and inclusion, to be consolidated as a place where women and men have the same growth and development opportunities and have the same representation in our decision-making process.

Compromiso del Tec de Monterrey en Igualdad de Género y Diversidad e Inclusión
Logotipo del comité Impulsa del Tec de Monterrey en Igualdad de Género y Diversidad e Inclusión

What is Impulsa?

In 2018 we set up the IMPULSA Committee, consisting of women and men from our Institution, to work on proposals aimed at achieving gender equality, increasing the number of women in leadership positions through equity strategies, and strengthening the processes of acquisition, development, and retention of talent.

IMPULSA, as well as the other diversity and inclusion advisory committees, is coordinated by the Center for the Recognition of Human Dignity.

Gender Equality Plan


31 actions to advance toward gender equality in the Institution, during the 2021-2025 period.

Read and share the executive summary updated to april 2023:

Gender Equality Plan Tecnológico de Monterrey
Professional growth of women by type of position

Last update: may 2024

Indicators Impulsa Tec de Monterrey


HeForShe is a solidarity movement for gender equality created by UN Women. Its objective is to engage men and boys as agents of change to achieve gender equality and respect for the rights of girls and women, motivating them to take action against the inequalities they face. In Mexico, many government agencies, universities, and companies have joined this campaign.

We invite you to read more about the signing of the HeForShe - UN Women pact and its commitments. (Click on know more to see the attached PDF).

HeForShe link document navigate_next
Logotipo del movimiento He For She del Tec de Monterrey en Igualdad de Género y Diversidad e Inclusión
Sites of Interest
Contact Us

We want to hear from you!

We are permanently in touch with the Tec Community, listening to the different voices and their needs.

General Contact:

Contact for advice or complaints of gender-based violence:

If you wish to report any violation of the Code of Ethics or our values, go to: link Letica / ETHOS  

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